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( Pro Tools )

Music Engineering Course

Music Engineering ( Pro Tools )


8-week course teaching students the ins and outs of Recording, Mixing, and Mastering in Pro Tools.


The students will meet twice a week for two 1-hour classes.


Ages: 10-18

19 and older ( we offer Private Classes)


Contact Us for Upcoming Courses and Pricing


Lesson 1: Intro to Engineering

Lesson 2: Getting Inside Pro Tools

Lesson 3: Creating Your First Session

Lesson 4: Making Your First Audio Recording

Lesson 5: Keep it Clean!

Lesson 6: Importing Media Into Your Session

Lesson 7: Basic Editing Techniques

Lesson 8: Basic Mixing Techniques

Lesson 9: Finishing Your Work

Lesson 10: Mixdown and bouncing

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  • Start up and configure a Pro Tools session

  • Use the main Pro Tools windows and customize displays

  • Record audio into a Pro Tools session

  • Import audio files and clips

  • Work with selections and navigate a Pro Tools session

  • Create audio clips and edit tracks

  • Create stereo mixes within Pro Tools Process audio using plug-ins

  • Bounce to tracks and disk

  • Work with music and post-production projects

By the end of this course, you will:





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